Wednesday 13 August 2014


Since the conflict between Israel and Gaza started,  I have purposely stayed away from any conversations related to that particular situation, or if someone prefers - subject, as I have my really controversial opinion about it and it does not necessarily go hand in hand with the trend! Although, I decided to perhaps be more myself and in a brief statement, share my deep thoughts.
So my philosophy about the whole situation is very simple - Israel would have never attacked Gaza if the terrorist organisation so-called Hamas which is based in Gaza territory, did not fire countless rockets towards Israeli’s cities. Of course, the majority of people have been blaming Israel for the humanitarian crisis, damage and more importantly casualties on the Gaza side. But that could have easily been avoided weeks ago if there had been more corporation, support and willingness from people of Gaza to help Israeli secret service, to allocate Hamas tunnels where the illegal weapons have been transported from Egypt to Gaza state and further, spread through country.

Bottom line; before anyone entirely blames Israel, should have a quick look at the situation from a few different angles or at least watch the FOX News! 

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