Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Let the Germans to take over Lot and bring the airline back on the European aviation map!

For quite some time, my Airline interest has particularly stopped at Warsaw International airport, mainly because the state-owned airline Lot which my mind has picked as the target, has its biggest and the only hub in Poland. I heard a lot about this carrier, whether it was positive news such as – and I quote” First European Airline to fly the Boeing 787 Dreamliner” or the negative. Sadly, the latter was more common to hear! Actually, this Airline has been struggling for many years showing negative annual results – although, occasionally we noticed a small plus on financial reports. But that was mainly due to selling its asset rather than income from a well prospering business. Thus, no one needs to be a medium to figure out that the Polish Government played an increasingly important role in supporting or by re-framing the word, helping this carrier to survive by almost bombarding Lot’s bank account with hundreds of thousands sacks of money! I truly believe this trend would have easily carried on if the EU commission didn’t decide to provide significant aid for the struggling company for the price of immediate reforms and wise restructuring its firm. Or to simplify, to make its operating cost more efficient and reduce the unit-cost! Oh, and of course, no more concession for international flights from any other Polish airports, except Warsaw as well as all other hubs outside the capital must be closed! In my humble opinion, this was a big favour for Lufthansa especially in Krakow where Lot since the deal was reached, can’t provide direct flights to/from Germany where as we know, there is a big Polish community. However, I don’t want to concentrate on that – arguably I feel there is a way more important field of interest.
 The Polish aviation market has been almost a gold mine for budget airlines since the country joined the European Union and allowed Poles to travel freely and more importantly, work abroad – which essentially means, earn money and afford to pay for an airline ticket.  EasyJet, Ryanair or Wizzair are the strongest LCC players in Polish market offering a high number of inbound and outbound connections to other EU states – the UK is firmly the top destination in the number of total flights.
I have been watching how the aforementioned players have been successfully expanding their services across major and regional airports and from time to time ask myself, why can they, while Lot can’t?
Why is it so easy for them to open new routes, attract more passengers? I think there are too many whys in this part, so I am kind of willing to skip it.

My first theory about their success was – price! Second theory – flexibility to fly to random Polish airports (as I mentioned above, Lot due to EU restrictions, can’t provide international flights outside Warsaw Chopin airport)
Whilst the second option seems to be pretty right, I’m not so sure about the first one. Here is the explanation!

I decided to do my own quick market research for both Warsaw airports and compare ticket prices to the UK for Ryanair, Wizzair – both airlines offer direct connections. And for a contrast I checked Lufthansa flights – with one stop. The main reason why I chose the British destination is a high number of Polish immigrants already living in the UK.

Ryanair – all flights from Warsaw Modlin (regional airport – none Lot’s services to/from the airport)
Warsaw Modlin --> Manchester (02.08.14) ca. £152
Manchester --> Warsaw Modlin (09.08.14) ca. £174

Warsaw Modlin -->Liverpool (09.08.14) ca. £118
Liverpool -->Warsaw Modlin (09.08.14) ca. £174

Warsaw Modlin --> Glasgow Prestwick  (02.08.14) ca.£180
Glasgow Prestwick <-- Warsaw Modlin (09.08.14) ca.£142

Wizzair – all flights from Warsaw Chopin airport ( Lot main Hub)
Warsaw Chopin --> Liverpool (03.08.14) ca.£123
Liverpool  <-- Warsaw Chopin ( 10.08.14) ca.£100

Warsaw Chopin --> Glasgow International (01.08.14) ca.£179
Glasgow International <-- Warsaw Chopin ( 08.08.14) ca.£100

Luftansa, part of Star Alliance – all flights via Munich or Frankfurt
Warsaw Chopin --> Munich--> Manchester (02.08.14)
Manchester--> Munich --> Warsaw (09.08.14) Total price ca.£223

All of the above examples are showing that the price between Warsaw and the UK market isn’t as low as someone could think when they hear the name of one of the LCC. But what is more, even by going for a premium Airline which in my opinion is Lufthansa, it would be cheaper than for Wizzair or Ryanair  including the return flight)
So here is the question – Why can’t Lot open new routes to, for example; Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool and bring on board many Polish, British customers who would definitely pay £150 or £180 for a flight with checked-in baggage, extra leg room, free snacks and Polish/English speaking crew? Maybe I’m too blind and I don’t see certain obstacles that for the Polish national carrier are too difficult to avoid or tackle? But, if for others those routes are prospering well, so what is stopping Lot adding new destinations to its list?
The only thought suggesting a hypothetical answer is: apparently nobody wears the trousers in Lot’s office, thus it’s only a matter of time before the airline will die!

Bottom line – Don’t wait too long with decisions making as without brave changes, you  gonna look like Death Valley waiting for a drop of rain

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